Thursday 4 May 2017

Know your health by your teeth

Research has shown that taking care of your teeth can save your life. Not quite metaphorically, it literally acts as a caution against major diseases thus taking the first step towards saving your life.  The bacteria in the teeth and unhealthy gums can cause platelets in the blood to form clots which in extreme cases could result in a heart attack or stroke. Generally the most commonly ignored symptoms to some of the diseases, build slowly and steadily in the mouth.

So here’s are some signs that our dentists at Dentists in Mumbai ask patients to watch out for, read on to find out what they are and how you can save yourself before it’s too late:

Pale teeth and bleeding gums:

While this comes across as very easily ignored common phenomena among most adults, it can be an indication towards greater health problems. This can be an indicator of blood disorders. Starting to floss daily and brushing twice a day is the simplest way to deal with bleeding gums and pale teeth and transform them into strong gums and healthy teeth.

Frozen jaw:

In lay man terms a frozen jaw is when your jaw gets stuck while you are eating or talking or doing anything else. Sometimes this could cause bone loss in the lower jaw. This bone loss could be an early indicator of skeletal osteoporosis. Basic exercises of the jaw help with a frozen jaw. A frozen jaw might also occur because of a small jaw in which case you could opt for an extraction and restructuring treatments for your teeth to give space to new teeth.

Inflammation in the mouth:

This is less of an indicator and more of a direct cause for various digestive and intestinal diseases. Inflammation in the mouth secretes certain enzymes that corrode or spoil the food we eat and thus cause stomach disorders. It is also coupled with fever sometimes. Consult with a dentist when this occurs and they might prescribe over the counter creams or tablets which would temporarily sooth the inflammation and improve dental health.

Other diseases:

There are certain diseases that cause severe oral health issues. Diabetes and Cancer deteriorate oral conditions and cause severe gum problems and a degradation of the overall health of the teeth and mouth. AIDS also is another such disease. Not only does it cause bad dental health and severe dental problems but AIDs itself can also be caused by oral infections.

Most diseases that are caused or are the cause of various other diseases, start in the mouth.  So it is very important to consult an experienced and skilled dentist as soon as you notice any dental health issue as it might just be your body communicating other larger health concerns to you. Your mouth could be your personal health indicator as long as you are alert and learn to heed the signs. If you notice any of these signs call and book an appointment with Dentists in Mumbai today and put all your worries to rest.


Monday 10 April 2017


Problems with wisdom teeth
When there is not enough room in the jaw for wisdom teeth, it can stop them coming through properly. Brushing and flossing these teeth can be difficult. Food and bacteria can get stuck between the wisdom tooth and the tooth next to it, leading to tooth decay and gum infections.
Crowded wisdom teeth in the upper jaw often lean sideways and rub against the cheek. This may cause ulcers on the cheek and chewing problems. Wisdom teeth may also push the other teeth closer together and affect a person’s bite.
Treatment for wisdom teeth infection
Infections caused by wisdom teeth can be treated with antibiotics. However, the infection may keep coming back if problem teeth are not removed. People who have other health problems, especially those with lower immunity, may have complications from these infections.
Removal of wisdom teeth
X-rays will help to tell if wisdom teeth might cause problems. Some wisdom teeth do not cause problems and do not need to be taken out. Sometimes, the dentist or oral surgeon may just need to cut a small part of the gum to help the wisdom tooth come through.
If wisdom teeth do need to be taken out, a local or general anesthetic will be used, so you won’t feel it. Because wisdom teeth are large, the hole where the tooth was may be stitched to help it heal. It is normal for your jaw and gum to be sore, swollen and bleed for a few days after having a wisdom tooth out.
One possible complication of wisdom teeth removal is a dry socket (alveolar osteitis), when the area where the tooth came out of doesn’t heal properly. Bad breath and pain from the socket are signs. A dry socket can be successfully treated by your oral health professional.
Care after surgery
Dentists in Mumbai Your oral health professional will talk with you about how to care for your mouth after having a wisdom tooth taken out. Some general suggestions include:
Take pain-relieving medication if needed (and on advice from your oral health professional)
Hold warm salty water in your mouth. Do this after meals and no earlier than 24 hours after surgery.

Eat soft, easy-to-chew foods for the next few days.

Don’t smoke for 48 hours after the surgery.

Avoid alcohol.


Tuesday 31 January 2017

Wisdom Tooth Removal - Necessary for Healthy Gums

The mandibles and maxillary third molars are generally referred to as the wisdom tooth. The Wisdom tooth erupts at late teens or early youth, therefore they are named as the wisdom tooth. Most adults have the whole set of wisdom teeth which amounts to four in number. Lesser number of wisdom teeth is called as hypodontia and more than four means supernumery condition.
It is not aiding any functional activities in the mouth but need their removal due to their constant hindrances in the normal mouth functions.
In Mesioangular impaction, the wisdom tooth is angled forward, towards the front of the mouth. In Vertical impaction, tooth does not erupt fully from the gum line. Distoangular impaction means that tooth is angled backward towards the rear of the mouth and horizontal impaction means that the wisdom tooth is angled at ninety degrees, into the roots of the second molar. Wisdom teeth in any of these stages need extraction essentially.
This is in two cases-one that the dentist recommends due to its interruption with other teeth and other when the tooth may or may not interfere with the normal working in future. The Wisdom tooth is practically useless, so in case the dentist's advices its extraction then it should be done at first instance.
Extraction of wisdom tooth is a normal tooth extraction, where dentist prepares the patient for a small-operation. Some patients need extra care because they have some other problems like diabetes, high or low blood pressure, asthma or any other health problem. In case of diabetes, bleeding does not stop easily, and then a team of surgeon and diabetes expert should be present at the time of the wisdom tooth extraction. A blood pressure monitor and a specialist should be present compulsorily during the extraction process.
This extraction needs post-operation care as well. Patients are advised not to rinse the mouth and place the gauge at the extraction site. The surgeon should be contacted if the bleeding lasts for more than a day. In case the patient is not comfortable with gauze-pad, then tannic acid can also reduce bleeding. A peculiar odor persists for a few days, post-surgery. This will diminish and vanish after a short period of time.
Care should be taken to not consume anything hard or hot as the extraction site remains extra-sensory for quite a few days.
Tony Tidwell’s - Wisdom teeth removal Dentists in Mumbai. Dentech, Tooth Bleaching Mumbai provides top quality general and Dental Treatment Mumbai and procedures like wisdom teeth removal surgery etc.


Monday 23 January 2017


Everyone deserves a beautiful smile. Today there’s no need to settle for anything less. The Nobel Guide system means you can now replace missing teeth with permanent dental implants – easily, quickly and comfortably. Only Nobel Guide gives you beautiful Teeth-in-an-Hour.

With conventional treatment you have to wait for your implants to heal before teeth are placed, which can take months. Nobel Guide gives you your new teeth right away. You may be able to eat immediately after the treatment


Nobel Guide is a unique system that has lots of advantages over old-fashioned implant treatment. Not only does it reduce the number of visits to your dentist, you also spend less time there.
Best of all, no recovery period is needed after treatment, so you can return to your active life immediately.

Before the development of immediate load implants, the main disadvantage with dental implants (except of their high cost) was that you had to wait for several months after the surgical placement of the implants before you get the final restorations. This waiting period can be from 2 to 6 months or even more depending on the condition of the jawbone and the position of the implant.

Teeth-in-an-hour is a technique that can reduce dramatically the time of the implant treatment. With Teeth-in-an-hour it is now possible to have dental implants and new, fully functioning teeth in the same appointment. The actual surgery may last just one hour but the method requires also a very important preparation phase that can range from 2 to 4 weeks.

In order to be good candidates for Teeth-in-an-Hour™, patients must have a healthy jawbone with sufficient bone quantity and quality to support the prosthesis. Any tooth extractions and bone grafting required must be completed before the Teeth-in-an-Hour procedure.


Hybrid dentures, also called fixed-detachable dentures, are a way to replace missing teeth and gum tissue with a prosthetic attached to dental implants. Hybrid dentures are recommended when you have a lot of bone loss in your jaw. This type of denture is more natural looking and stable. To make it, you will need to have four to six dental implants to create a solid base for the denture. The denture is then permanently attached to the implants.

They are a cross between a regular denture and a fixed bridge or a “Hybrid”. When there is a lot of bone loss in your jaws and you would like teeth that don’t have to be taken out a Hybrid Dentists in Mumbai is the best solution. A regular porcelain bridge that doesn’t replace any of the gum tissue would give the teeth the appearance of being way too large for your mouth. A hybrid denture solves this problem by replacing the gum tissue with pink acrylic between the teeth to allow the teeth to be of normal size and appearance.


Wednesday 21 December 2016

Why dental implants are the next big thing for dental clinics

Dental health is something we ignore on a regular basis. The number of times we choose to not follow the rules of brushing twice every day or going for regular dental checkups is too high to even admit by most people. Under such circumstances, it is of little surprise that a majority of the population faces major oral diseases which lead to the loss of one’s teeth or incredible toothache which makes us wishes we had been more careful from the start. Oral diseases aren’t only a pain to deal with; they also harm our self-confidence and self-esteem invariably. How many times have we felt self-conscious and inadequate for a high pressure situation just because we have bad teeth or bad breath? In severe cases of tooth decay we might even end up losing the tooth. In such cases, we need a cure which will help us regain our perfect smile back. Dental implants are the cure to such situations.

Why there’s a huge demand for dental implants in Mumbai?

Although relatively new to the market, dental implants have soon earned a place of popularity among patients suffering from tooth decay or loss. A painless and permanent cure to tooth decay sounds almost too good to be true. However in this case, it is. Decay in the tooth enamel is a process largely attributed to our bad habits. It is caused by the consumption of sticky and sweet food or beverages. As such, this beverages break down into small bits in our mouth which then get stuck between our teeth. On reaction with the bacteria present in our mouth, they form plaque, which erodes minerals from our teeth leading to decay. However, dental implants in Mumbai have now solved the problem of losing our teeth with sturdy efficiency. Dental implants in Mumbai are available at every major dental clinic here. Their ease of use and cheap prices, have made them one of the most demanded cure.

How to get dental implants in Mulund?

Dentists in Mumbai provide quite a few advantages compared to the old method of getting false dentures. They are almost permanent, as they suffer a lot less wear and tear compared to ordinary dentures. The need of taking them off repeatedly is something dental implants don’t have to worry about. The price of dental implants in Mulund is quite reasonable, contributing to the factors which favor this process largely. The process involved with getting new dental implants in Mulund is also very easy, taking only 4 weeks to finalize and set them. On the first visit the measurements of the tooth in need to be extracted is taken. In the second and third visit, a metal wire is connected to the jaw to provide support to the dental implants. This is followed by attaching the implants to this wire, to give 
Hem support and prevent them from coming off or get loose.

In the final visit, the implants are checked and made ready for use, and the patient is suggested to make regular visits to the dental clinic.
